Episode Name:
Aired: 2013.03.27
Episode Overview:
Supreme Court arguments over Gay Marriage. Audio of Justices Roberts and Scalia wondering why President Obama has spoken out against DOMA, but continued to enforce this unconstitutional law. Video of Ginsburg’s points about the half-freedoms of domestic partnerships for gay Americans. Sotomayor wondered why the Federal government is interested in the definition of marriage. Edie Windsor is the lesbian woman that is bringing the case against the federal government that has reached the Supreme Court. After her partner died in 2009, she had to pay an exorbitant Estate Tax of over $ 360K that she wouldn’t have had to pay if their marriage had been recognized by the government. Video of Mike Huckabee threatening that evangelicals will leave if the GOP supports gay marriage.
Ashley Judd has decided not to run for Senate against Mitch McConnell. One reason is that she didn’t want to have to run a primary against another Democrat Alison Grimes. Cenk read that Bill Clinton pushed Grimes to run so that Judd wouldn’t. The rest of the establishment Democrats were against her running because she would be a progressive. Louis Gohmert got into an argument with parking enforcement when he got a parking ticket for parking his car in a National Parks spot. Gohmert claimed that the police apologized and took the ticket back, but the police report didn’t say so. Video of Bill O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly pointing out that the gay marriage debate favors the liberal point of view, while opposition only thumps the Bible. Rush Limbaugh responded negatively to O’Reilly’s observation. Limbaugh later admitted that the gay marriage issue would be won by Liberals.
Brave New Foundation’s new video on the immorality of drones and why Obama should eliminate the policy by Easter. TYT Lightning Round: Now three members of Navy Seal Team 6 have come out to dispute the assertion that Bin Laden was reaching for a gun when they killed him. The Senate Banking Committee is begging for Schumer to be the head rather than Sherrod Brown. N. Korea has announced all their weapons are pointed at S. Korea and the United States. President Obama spoke in Israel over the Mid East conflict, virtually saying he won’t push Israel to stop building more settlements on Palestinian territory.
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