Aired: September 12, 2013
Vladimir Putin’s New York Times editorial on Syria. Media reaction against Putin. The world hates the US for its attitude of American Exceptionalism. Comedy skit against Obama, his loyalists and his war stance. Senator Ted Cruz talking about his support of Jesse Helms. Jesse Waters, O’Reilly producer, wanted to ambush muslims at a convention. Cenk talks about Christian terrorists. A hidden camera segment by ABC shows an American soldier defending a muslim in the face of an actor who tried to insult the muslim. Pope Francis. An Italian atheist asked the Pope if God forgives atheists, and the Pope gives an enlightened, progressive answer that allows for atheism. – has published information on Senators and Representatives who support NSA spying. The database shows where their money comes from, including defense and security contractors. Cenk pitches for WolfPAC. Republican Lt. Governor in Tennessee saying that Obama is aligning with al Qaeda by offering to bomb Syria. Lightning Round: Elizabeth Warren talking about how corporate interests have taken control of the Supreme Court. Republican Congressman talks down a man who asks a question about immigration while wearing a Mexican flag t-shirt. The International Olympic Committee warns people not to protest at the Olympics because it may hurt their relationship with sponsors.